Lost Journal Entry from 2010 – Outdoor LRP in the Rain

2018 Preface

Here is a lost magical journal entry from 2010 that I recently rediscovered. The awe and zeal for the path I felt then are very evident in these words. Rereading them all these years later, I feel myself tuning into the openness I felt as a beginner on the magical path, a reconnection to this ritual in the rain, a memory long since washed away like rivulets of rainwater in the earth…


2010 Magical Journal Entry


Date: 16/07/2010
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent, 27% Full
11:17 P.M.
Activity: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

I just had a truly moving experience. While walking home tonight, the rain started to pour down around me. I had an umbrella, but after walking for twenty minutes or so, I had the intuitive sense that I should close it and embrace the water element embodied in this precipitation. I did so, and held out my arms at my side, turning my face towards the sky as I walked, embracing the rain, not pushing it out with an umbrella. As I walked I thought “Water within me, the substance of life; water around me, the lifeblood of the Earth…”

My intuition led me to take a detour and not head home right away, despite the great torrents of rain that thoroughly soaked me. I walked instead into a grassy clearing and intuitively felt “it is here that I should perform the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram…”

I proceeded to do so. My vibrating voice blended with the fall of the rain. In the darkness of the night, my visualizations seemed heightened. I saw the jet-blue of the pentagrams, the white circle of light… While performing the Kabbalistic cross, I felt the light flowing through my body, centering me, clearing me, cleansing me like the water that fell upon my clothes. As I vibrated the Divine Names, the rainfall seemed to intensify.

During the invocation of the Archangels, however, it was Gabriel that stood out the most, which was appropriate, given that I was immersed in the water element. But there was also the wind, and the grass at my feet, and the light of the stars above me…

After I completed the ritual, I stood there, in the falling rain, for some time. The space felt lighter, more peaceful, more clear.

My own mind was crystalline, transparent, my heart, emptied of doubts and worries and fears… clarity, contentment, peace all gently washed over me…

After a few moments, I walked home, happy, content, my emotions in sync and in harmony with the falling water element around me. As I walked home, the rain died down around me to a soft gentle curtain, almost seeming to reflect the peace I now felt within. Arriving home, I smiled and felt clear, blessed, and unspeakably fulfilled.

P.S. I should note that above me, the moon was a waxing crescent. I had the feeling that my magical practice was moving forward with the “increasing” of the moon.

The Ritual and the Rain
by Frater S.C.F.V

The pouring of the rain upon my clothes,
A black umbrella closed.
I have put it away to feel the rush of the rain,
The waters that propel themselves at the earth around me,
Which are one with the waters within me,
The Waters of Life.

My feet upon the grass,
The darkness of the Night,
The curtain of cascading rain,
The thudding of my heartbeat,
All merging together
In a single wave of the
World Ocean.

And there, beneath the stars,
Amidst the falling waters,
In the breath of the wind,
Surrounded by trees and grass,
I stand and perform the ritual.

The Kabbalistic cross,
The blazing blue pentagrams,
The charged names of Divinity,
All light up the astral Night,
Light merging with falling water.

The Archangels
Towering powerfully over the circle,
Gabriel’s cup overflowing,
Pouring over the world,
Soaking my town,
Cleansing my being.

The Kabbalistic cross,
Repeated with a surge of light,
Inside, a glowing beam expands
In a pristine cross of White,
While about me flames the Pentagram,
And within me shines the Six-Rayed star.

And there I stand, soaked,
Cleansed, purified,
The ritual complete,

My emotions are harmonized,
With the Waters of the World,
While above me glows the waxing moon,
Shining over the advancement of my Path,
Glinting off each falling rain drop,
Like a thousand sparks
In a thousand jewels.

Ceremony for the Consecration of a Banishing and Invoking Dagger

By Frater S.C.F.V.


GoldenDawnlogoI composed this ceremony, which draws on Golden Dawn formulae, prayers, exorcisms and conjurations from the Lesser Key of Solomon, and G.D. Enochian formulae from the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, to consecrate a dagger for use in general banishing and invoking work from the Lesser through the Greater and Supreme forms of the Pentagram and Hexagram rituals. I also built into the ceremonial design that an added intention of the consecrations was to augment the Operator’s sensitivity and visualization ability to the Elemental and Planetary energies when mobilized through the use of this dagger.

Temple Set-Up

Altar in the center of the Temple. Black cloth. White cross and red triangle on the altar, as in the Neophyte Grade Initiation. Incense in the East, lit, Cup in the West, Salt in the North, Candle in the South, lit. Place the dagger to be consecrated in the center of the Triangle on the Altar. Place the Tarot cards of the Magician on the left of the Triangle, the Fool on the right, and the High Priestess beneath the Triangle.



Temple Opening

  1. Stand on the West side of the altar, facing East. Knock three times on the altar and proclaim “HEKAS HEKAS, ESTE BEBELOI!”
  2. Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.
  3. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.

(QC, tracing and charging each Hexagram in golden flame with ARARITA, QC)


O Lord God, who art seated upon the Heavens, and who regardest the abysses beneath, grant unto me thy grace I beseech thee, so that what I conceive in my mind I may accomplish in my work, through thee, O God, the sovereign ruler of all, who livest and reignest unto the ages of the ages. Amen.”

  1. Go to the Northeast corner of the Circle, and face outward. Extend your arms outward and upward, and proclaim:
    “The visible Sun is the dispenser of Light to the Earth. Let me form therefore a Vortex in this Chamber, that the invisible Light of the Spirit shall shine therein from above.”
  2. Give the LVX signs.
  3. Visualize a great brilliant Light that occupies a space above and beyond you in the East. As you contemplate this Light, visualize the figure of a white triangle traced in the brilliance before you. The white of the triangle shimmers and pulses iridescently. When the vision is very strong, proclaim “Let the white brilliance of the Divine Spirit descend!” while performing the Sign of the Spiraling Light, spiraling the right hand in to meet the hand in the heart, feeling a flood of Light through the body from head to feet.
  4. Equilibrate the Light with the Qabalistic Cross. Now say
    “Khabs Am Pehkt, Konx Om Pax, Light in Extension!”
  5. Say: “Let the Mystic Circumambulation take place in the Pathway of LIGHT.”
  6. Circumambulate three times around the perimeter of the Circle deosil or clockwise. Imagine Magical Current flowing through you, and visualize a clockwise-spinning Vortex being created as you move. Give the Sign of the Enterer each time that you pass by the Eastern end of the Circle (in the direction you are going, without stopping). Finish in the Northeast.
  7. Go to the West of the Altar, facing East. Intensely visualize a white triangle shining in the center of the Temple space. Make the Sign of Silence.
  8. Perform the Rite of Adoration of the Lord of the Universe.
    Holy art thou, oh Lord of the Universe! (Sign of the Enterer)

Holy art thou, whom nature hath not formed! (Sign of the Enterer)

Holy art thou, the vast and the mighty one! (Sign of the Enterer).

Lord of the light, and of the darkness!” (Sign of Silence)


In the Name of the Lord of the Universe, Who works in Silence and Whom naught but Silence can express, I declare that the Sun has arisen and the Shadows flee away.”

  1. Recite this section from the Conjuration of the Lesser Key of Solomon:

“O Lord God the father eternal, who art seated upon the Kerubim and the Seraphim, who lookest upon Earth and upon sea; unto thee do I raise my hands and implore thine aid alone, thou who alone art the accomplishment of good works, thou who givest rest unto those who labour, who humblest the proud, who art the author of life and the destroyer of death; thou art our rest, thou art the protector of those who invoke thee; protect, guard, and defend me in this matter, and in this enterprise which I propose to carry out, O thou who livest, reignest, and abidest unto the eternal ages. Amen.”


Consecrating the Dagger by the Elements and Planets

  1. Consecration by Air: Stand in the West of the Altar, facing East. Placing your hand over the Incense, perform the Exorcism of the Incense from the Key of Solomon, saying:

I exorcise thee, O Spirit impure and unclean, thou who art a hostile Phantom, in the Name of God, that thou quit this Perfume, thou and all thy deceits, that it may be consecrated and sanctified in the name of God Almighty. May the Holy Spirit of God grant protection and virtue unto those who use these Perfumes; and may the hostile and evil Spirit and Phantom never be able to enter therein, through the Ineffable Name of God Almighty. Amen.

O Lord, deign to bless and to sanctify this Creature of Perfume so that it may be a remedy unto mankind for the health of body and of soul, through the Invocation of Thy Holy Name. May all Creatures who receive the odour of this incense and of these spices receive health of body and of soul, through Him Who hath formed the Ages. Amen.”

Three times, wave the incense of Air over the Dagger. Say:

“Oh YHVH, we adore Thee and we invoke Thee. Empower this sacred Dagger, to powerfully banish and invoke the forces of the ascending Element of Air and render vivid all visualizations and sensations of energies pertaining to Air. Amen.”

  • Trace the Alchemical Sigil of Air over the Dagger.
  • Do the Sign of the Enterer to project yellow Air energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow yellow, vibrating “RUACH YOD HEH VAV HEH” (ROO-AH-K, Hebrew for Air).
  • Trace an Invoking Equilibrated Active Pentagram of Spirit over the Dagger, vibrating “EXARP” (EX-AR-PAY), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable.
  • Trace the Spirit Wheel Sigil in the center of the Spirit Pentagram while vibrating EHEIEH (Eh-HAY-YEH), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable to project spirit energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow white.
  • Trace an Invoking Pentagram of Air in Yellow over the Dagger, vibrating
    ORO IBAH AOZP (OH-RO EE-BAH-HAH AH-OH-ZOHD-PAY), performing the Sign of the Enterer into the pentagram on the last syllable.
  • While forming the sign of Aquarius in the center of the Pentagram in Purple, vibrate “YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH,” performing the Sign of the Enterer into the Sigil on the last syllable.
  1. Consecration by Fire: Stand in the North of the Altar, facing South. Placing your hand over the Candle, recite this section of the Exorcism of the Fire from the Lesser Key of Solomon, saying:

I exorcise thee, O Creature of Fire, by Him through Whom all things have been made, so that every kind of Phantasm may retire from thee, and be unable to harm or deceive in any way, through the Invocation of the Most High Creator of all. Amen.

Bless, O Lord All Powerful, and All Merciful, this Creature of Fire, so that being blessed by Thee, it may be for the honour and glory of Thy Most Holy Name, so that it may work no hindrance or evil unto those who use it. Through Thee, O Eternal and Almighty Lord, and through Thy Most Holy Name. Amen.”

Three times, wave the candle of Fire over the Dagger, then say:

“Oh ADONAI, thou Flashing Fire, who illuminatest all things with Thine Insupportable Glory whence flow the Ceaseless Streams of Splendour which nourish Thine Infinite Spirit, we adore Thee and we invoke Thee. Empower this sacred Dagger, to powerfully banish and invoke the forces of the blazing Element of Fire and render vivid all visualizations and sensations of energies pertaining to Fire. Amen.”

  • Trace the Alchemical Sigil of Fire over the Dagger.

Do the Sign of the Enterer to project red Fire energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow red, vibrating “ASH ADONAI” (AH-SH, Hebrew for Fire).

  • Trace an Invoking Equilibrated Active Pentagram of Spirit over the Dagger, vibrating “BITOM” (BEE-TOH-EHM), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable.
  • Trace the Spirit Wheel Sigil in the center of the Spirit Pentagram while vibrating EHEIEH (Eh-HAY-YEH), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable to project spirit energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow white.
  • Trace an Invoking Pentagram of Fire in Red over the Dagger, vibrating
    OIP TEAA PEDOCE (OH-EE-PAY TAY-AH-AH PAY-DOH-KAY), performing the Sign of the Enterer into the pentagram on the last syllable.
  • While forming the sign of Leo in the center of the Pentagram in Green, vibrate “ELOHIM” (EL-OH-HEEM) performing the Sign of the Enterer into the Sigil on the last syllable.
  1. Consecration by Water: Stand in the East of the Altar, facing West. Placing your hand over the Water, recite this section of the Exorcism of the Water from the Lesser Key of Solomon, saying:“I exorcise thee, O creature of Water, by him who hath created thee and gathered thee together into one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the enemy, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleannesses of the spirits of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God almighty who liveth and reigneth unto the ages of the ages. Amen.


Three times, Sprinkle the Water over the dagger, then say:

  • Oh EHEIEH, King of the Deluge and of the Rains of Spring, Thou who commandest moisture, we adore Thee and we invoke Thee. Empower this sacred Dagger, to powerfully banish and invoke the forces of the lustral Element of Water and render vivid all visualizations and sensations of energies pertaining to Water. Amen.”Trace the Alchemical Sigil of Water over the Dagger.

Do the Sign of the Enterer to project Blue Water energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow blue, vibrating “MAIM EHEIEH” (MAI-EEM, Hebrew for Water).

  • Trace an Invoking Equilibrated Passive Pentagram of Spirit over the Dagger, vibrating “HCOM” (HAY-COH-MAH), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable.
  • Trace the Spirit Wheel Sigil in the center of the Spirit Pentagram while vibrating AGLA (AH-GLAH), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable to project spirit energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow white.
  • Trace an Invoking Pentagram of Water in Blue over the Dagger, vibrating EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL (EHM-PAY-HAY AHR-SEL GAH-EE-OHL), performing the Sign of the Enterer into the pentagram on the last syllable.
  • While forming the sign of Eagle in the center of the Pentagram in Orange, vibrate “EL” (EL) performing the Sign of the Enterer into the Sigil on the last syllable.
  1. Consecration by Earth: Stand in the South of the Altar, facing North Placing your hand over the Salt, perform the Benediction of Salt from the Lesser Key of Solomon Book II, saying:
    The blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this creature of salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good enter herein, for without thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me.”


Three times, Sprinkle the salt of Earth over the dagger, then say:

“Oh ATAH GEBUR LEOLAM ADONAI, Whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World, Thou who causest the Seven Metals to flow through the veins of the rocks, we adore Thee and we invoke Thee. Empower this sacred Dagger, to powerfully banish and invoke the forces of the grounding Element of Earth and render vivid all visualizations and sensations of energies pertaining to Earth. Amen.”

  • Trace the Alchemical Sigil of Earth over the Dagger.

Do the Sign of the Enterer to project black Earth energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow black, vibrating “ARETZ AGLA” (AH-RETZ, Hebrew for Earth).

  • Trace an Invoking Equilibrated Passive Pentagram of Spirit over the Dagger, vibrating “NANTA” (EN-AH-EN-TAH), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable.
  • Trace the Spirit Wheel Sigil in the center of the Spirit Pentagram while vibrating AGLA (AH-GLAH), performing the Sign of the Enterer on the last syllable to project spirit energy into the Dagger, seeing it glow white.
  • Trace an Invoking Pentagram of Earth in shining Black over the Dagger, vibrating EMOR DIAL HECTEGA (EE-MOR-DEE-AHL-HEK-TAY-GAH), performing the Sign of the Enterer into the pentagram on the last syllable.
  • While forming the sign of Taurus in the center of the Pentagram in White, vibrate “ADONAI” (AH-DO-NAI) performing the Sign of the Enterer into the Sigil on the last syllable.
  1. Consecration for Planetary Invoking and Banishing Work:Say “The heaven is above and the Earth is beneath. Between the light and the dark do vibrate the colours of life. I supplicate the forces and powers governing the nature, place, and authority of the Planetary forces of Sol, Mercurius, Venus, Luna, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturnus, by all Divine Names, to bestow this present day and hour, and confirm their mystic and potent influences upon this Dagger, which I hereby dedicate to purity and to occult work. May all sensitivity to the planetary energies invoked or banished by workings with this Dagger be intensified and all related visualizations and astral senses amplified and enhanced in this holy work.”Trace each planetary sigil over the Dagger, one at a time, and project Divine Light into it to activate it while performing the Sign of the Enterer and vibrating its associated Divine Name in Descending order down the Tree of Life:

– Trace the astrological Sigil of Saturn over the Dagger, project shimmering black Saturnian energy into it via the Sign of the Enterer, vibrating: YHVH Elohim

Trace the astrological Sigil of Jupiter over the Dagger, project shimmering blue Jupiterian energy into it via the Sign of the Enterer, vibrating: EL

  • Trace the astrological Sigil of Mars over the Dagger, project shimmering red Martian energy into it via the Sign of the Enterer, vibrating: Elohim Gibor
  • Trace the astrological Sigil of Sol over the Dagger, project shimmering yellow Solar energy into it via the Sign of the Enterer, vibrating: YHVH Eloah Ve-Da’at
  • Trace the astrological Sigil of Venus over the Dagger, project shimmering green Venusian energy into it via the Sign of the Enterer, vibrating: YHVH Tzazba’ot
  • Trace the astrological Sigil of Mercury over the Dagger, project shimmering orange Mercurian energy into it via the Sign of the Enterer vibrating: Elohim Tzaba’ot
  • Trace the astrological Sigil of Luna over the Dagger, project shimmering Purple Lunar energy into it via the Sign of the Enterer, vibrating: Shaddai el ‘Chai

Say: “May my grasp upon this Dagger strengthen me in the work of the nature and attributes of the Four Elements and the Seven Planets. Oh great One of the forces of Nature, great one who has been known by a thousand-thousand names since before remembered time, let thy influence descend and consecrate this sacred Dagger which I dedicate to thee for the performance of the works of the magic of Light. So mote it be, Amen. ”

Temple Closing

  1. Reverse-circulate the Light:
    Say: “Let the Mystical Reverse Circumambulation take place in the Pathway of Light.”

Make three counter-clockwise circumambulations of the Temple while envisioning the white triangle in the center of the room disintegrating. Imagine the Divine Light from the triangle flowing back through your heart center and up into the greater Triangle above you in the East. At the end of the circumambulation, turn again toward the East and, with your hands interlocked over your heart, begin the Reverse Spiral of Light, which is simply the total reversal of the Sign of the Spiraling Light.

Say: “The Mystical Circumambulation is accomplished. It is the symbol of Fading Light.”

  1. Recite these sections from the Prayers of the Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines, and Gnomes:

“Spirit of Life, Spirit of Wisdom whose breath giveth forth and withdraweth the form of all living things; Thou, before whom the Life of Beings is but a shadow which changeth, and a vapor which passeth; Thou who mountest upon the clouds, and who walketh upon the wings of the wind, We praise Thee and we bless Thee in the changing Empire of created Light, of Shades, of reflections, and of Images and we aspire without cessation unto Thy immutable and imperishable brilliance. Let the Ray of Thine Intelligence and the warmth of Thy Love penetrate even unto us; then that which is volatile shall be fixed, the shadow shall be a body, the Spirit of Air shall be a soul, the dream shall be a thought. And no longer shall we be swept away by the Tempest, but we shall hold the bridles of the Winged Steeds of Dawn, and we shall direct the course of the Evening Breeze to fly before us.” (Air)

“O Universal Father! One and Alone! Father alike of Immortals and of Mortals! Thou hast created Powers marvellously like unto Thy thought Eternal and unto Thy venerable Essence. Thou hast estab lished them above the Angels who announce Thy Will to the World. Lastly, thou hast created us third in rank within our Elemental Empire! There our continual exercise is to praise and to adore Thy desires! There we ceaselessly burn with Eternal Aspiration unto Thee! O Father! O Mother of Mothers, O Archetype Eternal of Maternity and of Love!” (Fire)

“Speak unto us also in the murmur of limpid waters, and we shall desire thy love. O Vastness wherein all the Rivers of Being seek to lose themselves, which renew themselves ever in thee. O Ocean of infinite perfections! O Height which reflectest Thyself in the Depth! O Depth which exhalest thyself into the Height! Lead us into Immortality through sacrifice, that we may be found worthy one day to offer unto Thee the Water, the Blood, and the Tears, for the remission of Sins!” (Water)

“King of the Seven Lights! Rewarder of the subterranean Workers! Lead us into the desirable Air and into the Realm of Splendor. We watch and we labor unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the buried Talismans, by the Axis of the Lodestone which passes through the center of the Earth. O Lord, O Lord, O Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand our hearts, detach and upraise our minds, enlarge our natures. O Darkness veiled in Brilliance! O Day clothed in Night! O Master who never dost withhold the wages of Thy Workmen! O Silver Whiteness! O Golden Splendor! O Crown of Living and Melodious Diamond! Thou who wearest the Heavens on Thy Finger like a ring of Sapphire! Thou who hidest beneath the Earth in the Kingdom of Gems, the marvelous Seed of the Stars! Live, reign, and be Thou the Eternal Dispenser of the Treasures whereof Thou hast made us the Warders! Amen.” (Earth)

  1. Pick up the newly consecrated Dagger. With it, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
  2. With the newly consecrated Dagger, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
  3. Say: “I now release any spirits who may have been imprisoned by this ceremony. Depart in peace unto your habitations, and peace between us, now, and in time to come. In the name of YOD-HEH-VAHV-HEH, I now declare this temple duly closed. So mote it be.”




For an account on my experience of performing this ceremony with Soror C.R., see this article.

For more on the dagger design, see this journal entry.